宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania )作为全球顶尖的私立研究型大学、著名的八所常春藤盟校之一, 一直是很多学生的梦想学校。宾大在 2022年 US News 大学综合排名中位列全美第 8 名,而热门的统计学专业也是排名12位。

跟统计研究生项目(在教育学院,而不是传统的文理学院和工程学院)不同,本科的统计项目在沃顿商学院下面,该学院的所有毕业生都是拿到Bachelor of Science in Economics学位,统计则是其中一个强化的方向。

统计方向(Statistics Concentration)课程设置

统计方向的一门必修课:STAT 430: Introductory Probability


Three credits of:

STAT 405 Statistical Computing with R (0.5 CUs)

STAT 422 Predictive Analytics (0.5 CUs)

STAT 432 Mathematical Statistics (STAT 512)

STAT 433 Stochastic Processes

STAT 435 Forecasting Methods for Management (STAT 711)

STAT 442X Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

STAT 470 Data Analytics and Statistical Computing (STAT 503)

STAT 471 Modern Data Mining (STAT 571)

STAT 474 Modern Regression (STAT 974)

STAT 475 Sample Survey Design

STAT 476 Applied Probability Models in Marketing

STAT 477X Introduction to Python for Data Science (0.5 CUs)

STAT 490 Causal Inference (STAT 590)

STAT 515 Advanced Statistical Inference I (Recommended for seniors; instructor permission is needed to take the course)

STAT 520 Applied Econometrics I

STAT 521 Applied Econometrics II

STAT 542 Bayesian Methods and Computation

STAT 930 Advanced Probability Theory

STAT 931 Advanced Stochastic Processes

STAT 961 Statistical Methodology

*CIS 545 Big Data Analytics

*ECON 221 Time Series Econometrics

*ECON 222 Advanced Econometric Techniques and Applications

*ECON 224 Statistical Learning and Causal Inference for Economics

*MKTG 309/809 (formerly MKTG 269/699) Experiments for Business Decision Making

*OIDD 930 (formerly OPIM 930) Stochastic Models



1. 自 2019 年秋季起,统计学专业不再接受 MATH 312、313、360、361、508 和 509。

2. STAT 451、STAT 452、STAT 453 和 STAT 454 不计入统计方向中, 即使修了也不利于学业进度。

3. 虽然MATH 114 或 MATH 115 都是 STAT 430 的先修课,但同时上MATH 114 或 MATH 115和 STAT 430 是可以接受的。

4. 在Business Fudamentals这一类课程中选择了 STAT 101 和 102 的学生需要再修 STAT 430以及三门课程选修课,但是选择了 STAT 430 和 431 的学生,从以上课程中选择四门修读。

5. 不能同时上 Stat 102 和 Stat 431这两门课。

6. 如果想选择统计department之外的课程,那么最多只能选择一门。







2. 需要的申请材料和体现的能力:


通常情况下,超过 90% 的申请人会有面试的机会


College Report(学院报告)+Mid-term Report(期中报告)

3. 先修课要求:


一学期的calculus (MATH 104), 可以通过以下课程实现:

A score of “5” on the AP Calculus BC exam (no credit is awarded for the AB exam),

A score of “7” on the IB Higher Level Mathematics with Further Mathematics exam,

A course deemed to be equivalent to MATH 104.


A score of “5” on the AP Microeconomics exam,

A score of “6” or “7” on the IB Higher Level Economics exam,

A course deemed to be equivalent to ECON 001.

一学期的宏观经济学, 可以通过以下课程实现:

A score of “5” on the AP Macroeconomics exam,

A score of “6” or “7” on the IB Higher Level Economics exam,

A course deemed to be equivalent to ECON 002.

Or, in lieu of separate introductory courses in micro and macroeconomics:

One semester of a combined introductory micro and macroeconomics course (ECON 010), which can be fulfilled by a course deemed to be equivalent to ECON 010.


Two semesters of college-level language courses and can be fulfilled by either completion of coursework or appropriate placement scores.


(截图摘自: https://ira.upenn.edu/sites/default/files/UPenn-Common-Data-Set-2020-21.pdf)



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